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Have You Been Called "Oversensitive?" Read This!

This is something I read and  totally related with, so that is why I wanted to share it with you all: I'm a "deep feeler." At least, that's what my therapist calls it.  Emotional. Delicate. Receptive. Sensitive.  I laugh wholeheartedly. I cry somewhat often. I love others into the depths of my soul.  Perhaps you can relate; maybe you're a deep feeler, too?  The truth is, I think there are a lot of us out there — sometimes hiding away, hoping no one finds out our dirty, little secret (that we actually have emotions — oh my!). And that's exactly why I decided to write this article today.  I feel compelled to reach out to other sensitive people because I know how challenging it can be. I know sometimes you can be hard on yourself; I know your sensitivity can feel like a curse. I know you fear your feelings might alienate you from others, and I know that sometimes they probably do.  I also know that there is nothing wrong with you.  You just happe
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INSOMNIO, again !!, Hate it.. bueno, despues de dos horas de rodar de un lado a otro en la cama decidí prender mi laptop y ver "que hay", y navegando por aqui, remando por allá me encuentro con este blog y dentro del blog, con esta información: Wiki VEGAN - SERIOUSLY!!! omg!, Awesome... ! so, after all, at least I found this page, I just read the main page, for now, I'm so excited!,  wikipedia in vegan version, omg, the rumor is running fast, I'm so glad, and even I've been cheating a little bit, I'm still on track, wanting and looking for inspiration for my new lifestyle. será que estoy apunto del vegetarianismo? AXE. ..

about challenges

Recently I've done some changes in my life, some challenges A consider a challenge something difficult to do, something that you have to put effort to do it, it's about to give that "extra" to accomplish it, I mean that is why you call it a challenge, right?  beacuse IT IS CHALLENGING anyway, these has been my challenges so far ... Facebook Challenge I have 3 weeks since I deactivated my facebook account. I must say it has been hard, and this is the thing I always say: "it's so serious that is ridiculous"; I've activated it like 3 times though, BUT with an specific reason, I always deactivated it after that. I wanted to do this for school, to don't have this big distractor and be more focus in my thesis and the last class I have. It's working if you were wondering how I was doing :)  Cellphone Challenge I have a week since I decided to not use my cellphone, which leads to not use instagram, snapchat, whatsapp, calls or texting, mainly i
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh
“Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from…” ~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


Hace unos momentos me sentía (imagino yo) como este pequeño amigo se siente: "abrumado" Una cortina viviente de pájaros queleas pico rojo, la especie de aves más numerosa que vive en la tierra, rodean a un elefante africano. Esta fotografía de Antero Topp fue una de las ganadoras del HBW World Bird Photo Contest, concurso de fotografía especializado para los amantes de las aves. Hace 2 semanas exactamente decidí desactivar mi cuenta de facebook, I must confess, me he visto en la necesidad de reactivarla 2 veces para específicos propósitos, . Me sentí libre el primer día, fue un sentimiento muy extraño; abrí mi laptop, la prendí, y de repente el Internet se sentía vacío, por lo tanto busqué alternativas, redireccioné mi atención hacia mis otras redes sociales, Instagram, YouTube, tumblr, además encontré un blog (no sé como) , recomendable 100 % ; para comunicarme con mis amigos uso Skype, snapchat y correos (gmail y hotmail) . La razón